Flowering Snowball Quilt Along

Accuquilt’s Flowering SNowball BOB

More than a year ago I bought Accuquilt’s Block on Board Flowering Snowball die. I had seen a Flowering Snowball at a guild meeting and instantly fell in love so I needed to buy the die. Then my life took a crazy shift last February when I became a National Educator for Handi Quilter and I was busy making samples and preparing curriculums. But that die sits in my studio and lately it has been calling my name louder and louder!

A couple of days ago I posted about the die as my #mustmake when I posted for the #igquiltfest2022 hosted by @amyscreativeside. One of my longarming friends, Patricia Fraser-Sliney @hoosierquilts, spotted it and reached out to me suggesting that we work on them simultaneously. I figured if there were two of us, there were more of us… so we are inviting you to join us.

You do NOT need to use the Accuquilt BOB! You are welcome to use any pattern or template! We are in no way affiliated with Accuquilt or with any fabric companies. We don’t have a pattern to sell or anything. We just really want to make this quilt!!!

I have created some FREE templates that you can print and use to make a Flowering Snowball Quilt. There are some other resources available at the end of the post.

Quilt by Jen Johnston Found on Flickr

That said, I think we can wrangle some prizes, but they are going to have to be surprises as we move along! There will be a GRAND PRIZE drawn from all the quilters who post a completed flowering snowball quilt top by June 12, 2022. More about that later!!!

We are planning to start on Monday, May 18, 2022. We ask you to do two things:

  1. Sign up to participate by going to http://www.ohkayequilting.com and click on the option to join the Quilt Along. This will allow us to contact you with Quilt Along updates!
  2. Post your progress each week on Instagram using the hashtag #FloweringSnowballQuiltAlong2022. It’s long, but you can do it!
Quilt by NiftyQuilts. Found on Flickr.

Here is our schedule:

Week 1- (4/18-4/24) Shopping! Social Media Post: Show us a photo of you shopping and tell us why you love this quilt pattern.

Week 2- (4/25-5/1) Fabric Choice Social Media Post: Show your fabrics!

Week 3- (5/2-5/8) Cutting Social Media Post: Let’s see your method- how are you cutting your pieces?

Week 4- (5/9-5/15) Sewing Social Media Post: Navigating the curves.

Week 5- (5/16-5/22) Sewing Social Media Post: Show your progress.

Week 6- (5/23-5/29) Sewing Social Media Post: Show your sewing space.

Week 7- (5/30-6/5) Sewing Social Media Post: Figuring out your layout.

Week 8- (6/5-6/12) Finish the Top Social Media Post: Show your top!

Quilt by The Rustic Frog. Found on Flickr.

Don’t forget to post photos of your finished quilt! Patty and I are both longarmers, so we want to see them!

Make a Flowering Snowball Quilt! Here are some other resources:

FREE PATTERN for 6″ Block- Flowering Snowball Tutorial by Bits of Everything

Video and Link to Pattern from Stitch Supply

12″ Die and Video from Accuquilt (This is what I will be using!)


7 thoughts on “Flowering Snowball Quilt Along

  1. OH boy oh boy!! Super excited for our Flowering Snowball QAL!! Can’t wait to get started, can’t wait to see everyone’s fabric pulls. Love to see all those creative juices flowing!! Let the fun begin!

  2. Stupid question, but I loathe sewing curves….couldn’t this be done as a fusible?

  3. I have never sewn a curve, I’ve avoided them because I just don’t know how. This is such a pretty pattern I guess it’s time I learned!

  4. I just reread the plan and oops missed the instagram social media post needed and did mine on FB ! I’ll have to fix that with the hashtag there!! Can’t wait to get started!

  5. Awesome tutorial and templates, thanks!
    Are all the seams pressed towards the lighter fabric , how do they nest when the blocks are sewn together.

What are your thoughts?

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